Brief Note on Karnataka State WASH Coalition:

It is globally accepted that sustainable Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) outcomes contribute substantially to the health of every individual besides several non-health benefits, especially for the poor and marginalized communities. There are several sector agencies who are working in silos to make difference in the program but many times it becomes difficult to achieve sustainable WASH outcomes as a single agency or group of few agencies together. In addition, the sector is facing several challenges such as behavior changes of communities, availability, and capacities of professionals and institutions, inter-agency collaborations and alliances, etc. impact the sector outcomes.

In this context, sector agencies under the leadership of Principal Secretary, RDPR Department, Govt. of Karnataka have come together and established Karnataka WASH coalition in the month of March 2021 to create synergy and generate required critical mass to address the sector challenges and sustain WASH outcomes besides contributing to the achievement of SDG goals.

Below are the key focus areas of this coalition.
  • Strengthen enabling environment (policies, Institutional, monitoring & reporting, etc.) for scaling up & sustaining WASH services with gender & social inclusion.
    Produce Knowledge Management Products and disseminate widely for improved policies and strategies of government and non-government agencies.
  • Strengthen member organizations and government capacities and efforts to accelerate the delivery of sustainable WASH services and facilities
  • Support high quality, policy-oriented, social-science research in WASH sector.
  • Undertake advocacy with sector agencies including government for improved transparent, accountable, and robust community centred monitoring systems.
  • Scale up WASH professionals and volunteers outreach contributing to sustenance of WASH outcomes and achievement of SDG goal 6.0
  • Support government, civil societies and private sector interventions including campaigns to contain the spread of COVID19

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